Independence Fund gets new Executive Director

Please welcome new Independence Fund Executive Director Army Sergeant Tommy Rieman!! After speaking with Tommy I can say that in addition to his incredible bravery and heroism, he is also a friendly and humble individual. The Sox Box looks forward to continuing our work with The Independence Fund and its new leader.

About Sergeant Rieman:

deployed three times, Kosovo and Iraq twice. During his first tour of Iraq in 2003, his convoy was ambushed by heavily armed insurgents near Abu Ghraib – Rieman used his body to protect his gunner, refused medical help several times, defeated the insurgents, moved the convoy out the way, was ambushed again, suppressed that attack and set up the medical evacuation. Rieman was shot twice and sustained 11 shrapnel wounds during the Iraq ambush. 34-year-old Rieman, from Kentucky, received a Silver Star, Purple Heart and Army Commendation Medal of Valor and was President Bush’s guest of honor at the 2007 SOTU. He has two children, Landon and Ellie.

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